Members & Mebership of ParkavaKula Sangam |
Membership Details
Membership is open to all members of the community, who have attained the age of 18 years.
- Maharajaposhakas - Rs. 1,00,000
- Rajaposhakas - Rs. 50,000
- Poshakas - Rs.25,000
- Dathalu - Rs.10,000
Life Membership
A nominal subscription of Rs.1000/- entitles a person to a life time membership. Only life members have the voting rights.
Associated Members
A lumpsum subscription of Rs.500/- entitles a person to Associate Memebership.
Temporary Student Membership
An annual subscription of Rs.50 entitles a student to temporary membership (no voting powers).
In the News
Bangalore Parkavakula Sangam now comes up with freshness and motto of uniting the parkavam community worldwide to work towards a better society..
Parkava Kula
Family Meet 2015
Date: June 21,2015 Sunday
Venue: St Patricks Community Hall, Musuem Road,Richmond Town, Bangalore-560025
Time: 10.00 am
Make a note..
A contribution or service should never be termed "Charity" but should be considered as every individual's"Social responsibility